
Auto Show

Check out one of the world’s sweetest Hyundai Ioniq 6, literally

Confectioner Amaury Guichon is famous for his sculptures made out of chocolate, and this Hyundai Ioniq 6 is his latest work.

In the video, Guichon comments that the work started with a giant chocolate bar, or rather brick, which he drew the outlines of the Ioniq 6 upon. He then proceeded to cut out and process the individual parts. Some parts like the roof, the windshield and the hood had to be bent into shape in order to work.

Apparently, the tools used in making chocolate sculptures are very much the same as the ones used for clay sculptures. As you can see, the result looks just like the real Ioniq 6, just smaller and with a somewhat blunter nose. Even so, it is quite impressive for what it is.

Make sure to watch the video for more interesting details that a text cannot convey.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


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